Contact point for whistleblowing and reporting from trading partners

After confirming the following information, click "Agree" or "Disagree" at the bottom of this page.

About users

Users include trading partners who have ongoing business transactions with Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. and their directors and employees (including contract employees, part-time employees, and temporary workers).

Confirm the following points

  • Any personal information about the whistleblower will be used only for purposes of investigating the report content.
  • Depending on what the report says, information may be shared to the minimum extent necessary with others including outside experts and other relevant departments of our company in order to ask for their cooperation. However, any personal information regarding the whistleblower will be kept confidential.
  • The whistleblower will not be subject to any disadvantageous treatment and the workplace of the whistleblower shall likewise suffer no ill treatment due to the information received.
  • Whistleblowing may involve reports or consultations concerning violation of laws and regulations, misconduct and other similar actions which occurred in transactions with your company. False reports, personal grudges, slander or any other reports made for fraudulent purposes are excluded.
  • Persons being reported will be given opportunities for a fair hearing at our company as well as for rebutting and defending themselves against the report.
  • There may be cases where the investigation results are not satisfactory to the whistleblower.
  •  As a general rule, whistleblowers must make a report under their own name, but anonymous reports are also accepted. However, in the case of anonymity, please be aware that there is a possibility that we may not be able to fully investigate or respond to the report and also that we may not be able to notify you of the investigation results.

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