Basic stance on human rights and labor

Hamamatsu Photonics Group Human Rights Policy

【Basic Approach】

Hamamatsu Photonics Group believes that each employee enhances our corporate value, and as we have stated in the "Hamamatsu Photonics Group's Management Philosophy," one of our management foundations is "People."

In addition, we have formulated a "Code of Conduct" in conjunction with our “Basic Policy of Sustainability,“ and we are working to disseminate them both internally and externally.

In accordance with the “Hamamatsu Photonics Group’s Management Philosophy“ and “Code of Conduct,” we will clarify our approach to respect human rights and fulfill our responsibilities. The "Hamamatsu Photonics Group Human Rights Policy" is hereby established and positioned as a high-level policy in the Group's efforts to respect human rights. This policy applies to all activities conducted by our group.



We will respect the "International Bill of Human Rights," the "International Labor Organization (ILO) Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work," and strive to avoid having a negative impact on human rights or increasing human rights risks through compliance with the "UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights."

We are also a signatory to the "United Nations Global Compact" and support the "Ten Principles of the United Nations Global Compact."

In the event of a conflict between local laws and regulations and international human rights norms, we will pursue ways to respect internationally recognized human rights principles.


【Scope of Application】

This policy applies to all officers and employees of our group.

We will also make every effort to ensure that our suppliers and business partners related to our business understand and support this policy, and we will request them to respect human rights.



  1. Our group prohibits all forms of discrimination based on gender, age, nationality, race, color, ethnicity, religion, ideology, political opinion, belief, social status, disability, sexual orientation, or gender identity and does not tolerate harassment.
  2. Our group will never be complicit in any form of forced labor including human trafficking, child labor, or any criticism or attacks against human rights organizations.
  3. Our group pays employees more than a legal minimum wage, as well as strives to manage working hours properly and to provide a safe and healthy working environment.
  4. Our group respects the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, responds to requests for the formation of labor unions or collective bargaining in good faith, and prohibits any acts of retaliation.
  5. Our group will conduct periodic surveys on the status of efforts on human rights of domestic and overseas business partners related to our business, and strive to identify, prevent, and mitigate negative impacts.
  6. Our group will establish effective internal and external reporting channels to determine if we have negative impacts on human rights, and take appropriate remedy measures in case it occurs.
  7. Our group will provide the necessary education and training to all employees in order to promote diversity, offering a workplace where we respect human rights and recognize different values.

Established: April 1, 2024

Implementing framework

The Human Resources Group of the General Affairs Division spearheads efforts to improve recruitment criteria and working conditions. The Health and Safety Team, Employee Welfare Group, General Affairs Division and Headquarters and Branch Health and Safety Committees spearhead efforts to improve the working environment by enhancing occupational safety.

Important matters are reported to, discussed, and approved by the Board of Executive Officers before implementation.