Development of high power lasers

100 J class LD pumped solid state laser

We develop 100 J laser technologies as a fundamental technology toward 1 kJ class laser realization. A laser output of 1 kJ class is the same scale as one unit laser driver for laser fusion reactor. Development of a 1 kJ class laser fruited of extreme optical elements makes many kind of fundamental technologies, and these technologies create new market not only in laser processing but also laser acceleration, neutron generation and so on.


A part of this work was proceeded in a project “High Brightness and Highly Efficient Next-Generation Laser Processing Technology Development” in 2016-2021 commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(NEDO), Japan.

Tabletop-high-power LD pumped solid state laser

Lasers have various characteristics such as wavelength, pulse width, energy, and pulse repetition frequency. Optimization of these characteristics according to the application makes not only efficient processing but also drastic improvement of quality or adding unpredicted new effects. These technologies can be applied to all fields such as laser processing, environmental measurement, material analysis, semiconductor manufacturing, medical care, space, and basic science.


A part of this work was proceeded in a program “Ubiquitous Power Laser for achieving a Safe, Secure and Longevity Society” by Yuji Sano Program Manager of “Impulsing Paradigm Change through Disruptive Technologies Program(ImPACT)” in 2015-2018 commissioned by the Council for Science, Technology and Innovation of Japanese government.

High-power LD module

We develop high-power laser diode(LD) modules used as pumping light sources for high power/energy laser. These LD modules have unique properties such as extremely high light energy, variable temporal pulse duration, and large area- / uniform- spatial pattern, which are complementally different from conventional LD characteristics used for optical communication and material processing. We are expanding the research on applying these LD modules to other applications.


A part of this work was proceeded in a project “High Brightness and Highly Efficient Next-Generation Laser Processing Technology Development” in 2016-2021 commissioned by the New Energy and Industrial Technology Development Organization(NEDO), Japan.

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