Quantum technologies Quantum technology

Quantum technologies

At the turn of the 20th century, the theory of quantum mechanics was established. The founding of quantum mechanics cannot be accredited to one person; numerous scientists contributed to its founding and development. The fundamental underpinnings of the theory of quantum mechanics led to the development and realization of much of the modern technology in our everyday lives, including lasers, electronics and computers, X-rays, medical instruments such as magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and nuclear power plants. This is often referred to as the "Quantum 1.0" revolution.


Quantum mechanics is not new, so what's all the excitement about quantum technologies? The ability to manipulate quantum phenomena, such as superposition and entanglement, to engineer systems that harness and exploit these laws to process and secure information is where the excitement for the second quantum revolution lives. Often known as "Quantum 2.0," this term covers the research and development from the 1980s to the present day. The pillars of quantum technology often include, but are not limited to, quantum computation, quantum communication, and quantum sensing.


Hamamatsu is excited to be part of an effort to provide key tools and solutions to propel these emerging quantum technologies forward. Below learn more about the quantum applications that utilize photonic devices and components such as detectors, cameras, and modulators.

Quantum technology

Bose–Einstein condensation (BEC)

Image atomic emission at high speed and high resolution.

Quantum technology

Quantum imaging

Characterize quantum phenomenon such as entanglement through detection and imaging.

Quantum technology

Neutral atoms and trapped ions

Detect low light fluorescence, image arrays and produce optical tweezers with modulators.

Quantum technology

Nitrogen vacancy (NV)

Detect and image weak NV fluorescence.

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