ESG data

You can view various data of ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance), based on Hamamatsu Photonics's business and social activities.

(Note) The reporting period is our business year (from October of previous year to September) or the general fiscal year (from April to March of next year).


Topic Indicator Unit 2022 2023 2024
Disclosure based on TCFD Recommendations, Reducing carbon emissions and climate change Electricity consolidated kWh 135,607,363
non-consolidated  116,661,364 118,801,577 118,786,573
  ・Renewable Electricity consolidated kWh 19,855,218
non-consolidated  18,682,466 115,558,890 117,819,805
Carbon Emissions consolidated t-CO2 743,427
non-consolidated  624,333 658,155 -
   ・Scope1 consolidated t-CO2 11,233
non-consolidated  10,398 5,873 4,068
   ・Scope2 consolidated t-CO2 46,271
non-consolidated  38,838 510 301
   ・Scope3 consolidated t-CO2 685,923
non-consolidated  575,097 651,994 -
Protecting our water resources Water consolidated 1,000m3 879
non-consolidated  799 840 751
   ・Tap water consolidated 1,000m3 150
non-consolidated  108 108 105
   ・Well water consolidated 1,000m3 675
non-consolidated  637 656 576
   ・Industrial water consolidated 1,000m3 54
non-consolidated  54 76 70
Wastewater consolidated 1,000m3 831
non-consolidated  775 824 729
   ・ Public sewer consolidated 1,000m3 198
non-consolidated  148 141 140
   ・River discharge consolidated 1,000m3 633
non-consolidated  627 683 589
Management of pollution including waste VOC emissions non-consolidated  t 17.2 17.6 15.4
Materials non-consolidated  t 790 878 603
Participants of chemical substance education non-consolidated  People 692 428 1,230
Industrial waste consolidated t 720
non-consolidated  656 797 647
Certain hazardous waste consolidated t 358
non-consolidated  339 371 407
Recycling consolidated t 694 658
non-consolidated  685 648 667
Landfill non-consolidated  t 6 14 14
Green Purchasing Rate non-consolidated  % 95.5 95.6 87.6
ISO14001 certification
(employee ratio)
non-consolidated  % 98.1 98.2 98.2


Topic Indicator Unit 2022 2023 2024
Human rights and labor
Number of employees Aggregate total People 3,884 4,071 4,225
Male 3,220 3,366 3,480
Female 664 705 745
Average years of service Aggregate total Years 16.0 15.7 15.4
Male 16.2 15.9 15.7
Female 14.9 14.6 14.1
Average age of employees Aggregate total Age 40.2 39.9 39.6
Male 39.4 39.2 39.0
Female 44.0 43.5 42.5
Age group Under 30 years old % 23.8 25.2 26.6
30-49 years old 49.0 47.6 47.1
Over 50 years old 27.2 27.2 26.2
Number of employees in management positions Aggregate total People 663 698 732
Male 642 675 704
Female 21 23 28
Ratio of female employees in management positions   % 3.2 3.3 3.8
Number of newly hired employees Aggregate total People 233 275 *
Male 188 220 *
Female 45 55 *
Percentage of female employees in new hires % 19.3 20.0 *
Percentage of Mid-career hires in new hires % 40.3 31.3 *
Number of retirees Aggregate total People 54 76 *
Retired 23 36 *
Resigned for personal reasons, etc. 31 40 *
Turnover rate   % 0.8 1.0 *
Turnover rate (within 3 years after entering)   % 2.1 2.9 *
Ratio of employees with disablities
(statutory employment rate)
  % 2.31(2.3) 2.34(2.3) 2.36(2.5)
Number of dispatched employees, etc.   People 666 594 515
Work style Number of employees who took childcare leave, etc. Aggregate total People 235 323 *
Male 184 270 *
Female 51 53 *
Percentage of male employees taking childcare leave (Note 1)   % 90.3 99.2 97.1
Ratio of employees returning to work after childcare leave Aggregate total % 100 100 *
Male 100 100 *
Female 100 100 *
Number of employees who took nursing care leave, etc. Aggregate total People 6 8 *
Male 2 6 *
Female 4 2 *
Average annual income   Ten thousands of yen 720 772 745
Gender pay gap
(all workers)
  % 65.0 67.0 68.2
Gender wage gap
(regular workers)  
  % 66.6 68.5 69.2
Gender wage gap
(non-regular workers)
  % 92.7 93.3 125.9
First salary (Note 2)  University graduation male yen 216,300
232,800 *
University graduation woman 216,300 232,800 *
Graduated from graduate school male 236,600 252,100 *
Graduated from graduate school woman 236,600 252,100 *
Basic wage raise   % 0.78 2.86 *
Rate of increase in salary   % 3.02 5.10 *
Bonus payments
(excluding extra bonus)
  Months' salary 5.8 6.1 *
Bonus payments
(including extra bonus)
  Months' salary 7.8 6.9 *
Total annual working hours   Hours 1,844 1,818 *
Monthly average overtime hours
(non-scheduled working hours)
  Hours 13.1 10.6 *
Number of days of paid leave taken   Days 15.8 15.9 *
Percentage of paid leave taken   % 84.2 85.6 *
Number of days of accumulated paid leave taken (Note 3)   Days 7,477.5 5,075.5 *
Percentage of birthday leave taken (Note 4)   % 95.4 93.4 *
Number of employees who took long service leave   People 235 225 *
Number of employees who took volunteer leave   People 0 0 *
Total number of  childbirth leave taken (Note 5)   Days 291.5 228.5 *
Percentage of employees who have extended  their retirement age   % 98.6 95.9 *
Percentage of employees who were reemployed after retirement   % 100 87.5 *
Expenses related to employee training (total)   Hundred million yen 1.33 2.06 3.02
Training cost per employee   yen 34,371 50,648 71,589
Average training time for trainees   Hours 95 93 63
Rate of participation in a labor union   % 95.7 97.9 98.7
Number of labour union-management consultations   Times 12 9 10
Number of shareholding-association member   People 3,684 3,917 4,081
Shareholding-association membership rates   % 92.98 94.20 94.60
Occupational health and safety Number of occupational injuries 
(including dispatched employees)
  Cases 11 9 8
 (lost time incidents within the above)
  Cases 2 1 2
Number of occupational injuries
 (employees only)
  Cases 8 6 5
(lost time incidents within the above)
  Cases 0 0 1
Frequency rate (Note 6)
  - 0 0 0.12803
Severity rate (Note 7)   - 0 0 0.00019
Number of workdays lost due to occupational accidents
(including dispatched employees)
  Days 8 1 49.5
Number of workdays lost due to occupational accidents
(employees only)
  Days 0 0 1.5
Occupational physician, paychiatrist   People 3 3 *
Occupational health nurse   People 9 9 *
Health management Participation rate of periodical medical examination   % 100 100 *
Participation rate of detailed examination after periodic medical examination   % 60.8 62.2 *
Percentage of employees
classified as normal weight (BMI:18.5~24.9)
  % 73.3 73.1 *
Number of physical strength examination participants
(Note 8)
  People 143 1,383 *
Participation rate of physical strength examination   % 88.6 79.7 *
Number of  body composition mesurement participants   People 3,160 3,386 *
Number of body design school participants (Note 9)   People 27 40 *
Number of walking participants   People 1,110 1,172 *
Number of dental examination participants   People 3,047 3,153 *
Participation rate for dental examination   % 75.7 76.4 *
Number of PET examination participants   People 653 436 *
Number of emolyees receiving influenza vaccination
(Note 10)
  People 1,752 1,915 *
Percentage of employees receiving influenza vaccination   % 44.52 47.93 *
Number of employees answering stress check   People 3,826 3,995 *
Percentage of employees answering stress check   % 97.3 97.0 *
Smoking rate   % 12.2 12.7 *
Number of employees who are on administrative leave    People 39 34 36

(Note 1) Rate of taking childcare leave and maternity leave (when both are taken, they are counted as one time)

(Note 2) General occupation

(Note 3) Accumulated paid leave is a system of accumulating paid leave up to 70 days which are expired by Labor Standards Act. The employees can apply it for their own recovery from injuries and illness, sick or injured child care, child education, nursing care and volunteer activities, etc.

(Note 4) Birthday leave is a special paid leave which employees can take for 1 day in their birthday month.

(Note 5) Spousal childbirth leave is a special paid leave which male employees can take for 2days after childbirth.

(Note 6) Frequency rate refers to the frequency of workplace accidents that requires at least one workday lost and is derived from the number of injuries / death resulting from workplace accident per 1,000,000 working hours.

(Note 7) Severity rate refers to the severity level of accidents and represents the total number of lost time injury days / 1,000 total actual working hours.

(Note 8) Every year, physical strength examination are held under the auspices of Photonics groups health insurance union during the working hours.

(Note 9) We held body design school under the auspices of Photonics groups health insurance union, provide employees with the opportunity to consider healthy body making.

(Note 10) We have the system that employees can receive the influenza vaccination during the work hours. Also, the data show the total number of those who received it both in company and in the nearest medical institution. 

(Note 11) Discontinued for prevention of the novel coronavirus infection.

※It is scheduled to be updated.



Topic Indicator Unit 2022 2023 2024
Corporate governance Number of Directors Aggregate total Members 10 10 10
(Inside) Male 6 6 6
(Inside) Female 0 0 0
(Outside) Male 2 2 2
(Outside) Female 2 2 2
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board Members Aggregate total Members 4 4 4
(Inside) Male 2 2 2
(Inside) Female 0 0 0
(Outside) Male 2 2 2
(Outside) Female 0 0 0
Number of Board of Directors meetings   Times 17 16 16
Number of Board of Executive Officers   Times 44 41 42
Number of Audit & Supervisory Board meetings   Times 6 7 7
Total amount of remuneration for Directors   Million yen 370 375 374
Total amount of remuneration for Audit & Supervisory Board Members   Million yen 54 55 55
Attendance rate for Board of Directors meetings   % 99.2 99.6 97.5
Attendance rate for Audit & Supervisory Board meetings   % 100 100 100
Number of members of the Nomination and Compensation Committee   Members 6 7 7
Number of Outside Directors on the Nomination and Compensation Committee   Members 4 4 4
Number of meetings of the Nomination and Compensation Committee   Times 3 3 4
Training for Board Members    
Legal and corporate compliance Number of reports received through Whistleblower program   Cases 1 4 2
Intellectual Property Management Number of patent held Aggregate total
Cases 8,158 8,707 9,126
Domestic 2,501 2,630 2,777
Overseas 5,657 6,077 6,349
Relationship with shareholders Dividend per share   Yen 72 76 76
Meeting with shareholders    
Financial settlement briefing   Times ✓(Twice a year) ✓(Twice a year) ✓(Twice a year)