
Basic Approach

Hamamatsu Photonics has colleagues who are diverse in age, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity, disability, national origin, race, religion, culture, values, lifestyle, family background, and experience. We strongly believe that acknowledging and respecting these differences is crucial in creating corporate value.

Promoting Women’s active participation

Hamamatsu Photonics is an ardent supporter of women in the workplace. We believe that an active role for women in the workplace can be defined as a state in which women can work with peace of mind long term without leaving the Company due to factors such as childbirth, childcare, or nursing care, while making the most of their abilities and fulfilling their responsibilities in the right jobs. Supported by this commitment, we believe women will play increasingly vital roles in the Company’s success, bringing positive value to its long-term business performance. Therefore, we have established the following action plan for new female hires and female managers, which is related to the Law for the Promotion of Women's Advancement.

【Action plan for April 2024 to March 2026: submitted to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare】

  1. Increase the percentage of women among new hires for career-track and general positions (including mid-career hires) to at least 20 %.
  2. Increase the number of female managers by 10 % compared to March 2024.

【Current status】

1. The percentage of women among new hires for career-track and general positions (including mid-career hires) .

The target is set to at least 20 %.

percentage of women among new hires

2.The number of female managers

We aim to increase the number of female managers by 10% by March 2026 compared to March 2024.

The number of female managers

【Main initiatives for promoting women's success】

1. Health issues seminar for promoting diversity

Every October, we hold health seminars for promoting diversity for all employees, with the aim of providing an opportunity for working women to reflect on their own minds and bodies, gain tips for working healthily and energetically, as well as fostering a mindset that values the people they work with.

In 2023, as a collaboration project between the company and the labor union, we invited an external lecturer to give a seminar on the theme of “Aiming for a Workplace Where Menstruation is Not Taboo!”

In 2024, we distributed video messages from gynecologists on the theme of “What Would You Do? How to Deal with Your Period” and provided an opportunity to learn correct knowledge about menstruation through quizzes.

2. International Women's Day event

In 2024, we held the event on International Women‘s Day※ (March 8) with the purpose of encouraging employees to think and research a little more about gender equality. We posted explanations about International Women’s Day and decorated the reception and cafeteria with bouquets of mimosas to raise awareness. We called on employees who agreed with the purpose of the event to participate by posing for photos and sending them to the secretariat. We collected over 100 photos, including those of executives, and made a slideshow set to music to share within the company.

International Women's Day event

* ”International Women’s Day” is a day established by the United Nations to promote women’s rights and participation in politics and the economy.

3. Joined the “Riko Challenge”

We are actively recruiting women in the science and engineering fields, with the aim of increasing the ratio of women in these fields in the future. We joined the “Riko Challenge” initiative led by the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, in August 2024, following on from 2023, with the aim of stimulating interest in science and engineering careers among female junior and senior high school students and helping them choose their future paths. The event included seminars on optics, practical workshops, and round-table discussions with female employees, and we were able to convey the appeal of science and engineering fields. We will continue to create an environment where women can play an active role in these fields and will continue our activities in the future.

Recruiting women

Employment of persons with disabilities

At Hamamatsu Photonics we believe that everyone can train themselves through their daily work to discover things only they can do. We continuously strive to employ people with disabilities, encouraging them to develop their own areas of work specialization. The Company’s rate of employment of people with disabilities is as follows.

* The following graph shows data as of June each year. As of December 2024, the employment rate of people with disabilities is 2.5 %, meeting the legally mandated employment rate (2.5 %).


Employment rate of people with disabilities

Hamamatsu PhotoAgri, a wholly owned subsidiary, was established on April 3, 2017. As of December 2024, this company employs 9 people with disabilities. This company will continue to employ more people with disabilities as a special subsidiary company.

Hamamatsu PhotoAgri produces crops at a farm that cultivates “rich-leaf” vegetables, a class of vegetables that is particularly rich in nutrients. The company identifies issues in production and conducts research activities, with people with disabilities assuming a primary role. Employees with disabilities monitor soil conditions, growth conditions and pest proliferation; manage the farms; and at times sell the products to consumers. The environment at Hamamatsu PhotoAgri enables people with disabilities to play a constructive and vital role in the society. Ultimately Hamamatsu PhotoAgri aims to generate profits without subsidy or other support.

Hamamatsu PhotoAgri workers and products

Initiatives for Sexual Minorities (LGBTQ)

We are promoting the creation of workplaces where accept diversity, and we started an initiative to deepen understanding of LGBTQ issues. In January 2024, we invited an outside expert as a lecturer to conduct training on diversity for harassment counselors, where they learned about the problems and concerns that LGBTQ people face, and how to deal with them. From February 2024, we will conduct e-learning training for all employees to create a corporate culture in which each employee has the correct knowledge and respects differences in individuality.
In addition, we conducted an internal awareness survey to understand LGBTQ awareness. We will utilize the issues identified from the survey results in future initiatives.

※ LGBTQ:A general term of sexual minorities consisting of the acronym lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and questioning/queer.