Scintillator | High resolution X-ray imaging system

High-durability single-crystal phosphor screen revolutionizes conventional imaging

The direct bonding type phosphor screen that can be selected as an option is a single-crystal phosphor screen with extremely high X-ray durability.

It suppresses the destruction of a phosphor screen by X-rays and realizes stable imaging and measurement for a long period of time.

Synchrotron radiation white X-ray

No destruction occurs even if synchrotron radiation white X-ray is incident for a long time.

Measurement conditions

Beam line SPring-8 BL28B2
X-ray energy White
Attenuator Air (9 m), Aluminum (0.034 mm), Be window (1 mm thick on the beam line side + 0.5 mm thick on the detector side)
Beam size 3×3 mm2

Glue bonding type: AA40 (f = 50 mm) + ORCA-Flash2.8 (f = 35 mm) 

Direct bonding type: AA40 (f = 50 mm) + ORCA-Flash4.0 (f = 50 mm) 

Pixel resolution Glue bonding type: 5.1 μm / pixel, Direct bonding type: 6.5 μm / pixel
Scintillator LuAG (Thickness: Glue bonding type about 20 μm, Direct bonding type about 20 μm) *
* AA40 is used for durability evaluation. The single-crystal phosphor screen is not recommended for use with AA40.

Data courtesy
JASRI (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)

Industrial application Division 

Dr. Kentaro KAJIWARA


The measurement condition and data are at the time of evaluation and may not apply to all cases. Please consider as a reference case.

Flux density 4.7 ×1013 photons/s/mm2

No destruction occurs even if X-rays with high flux density are incident over a long time about 20 times.

Measurement conditions

Beam line SPring-8 BL47XU
X-ray energy 8 KeV
Attenuator None
Flux density 4.7 ×1013 photons/s/mm2
Beam size 350×350 μm2
Detector AA50 (objective lens 10×/NA0.3) + C13949-50U
Pixel resolution 0.21 μm/pixel


(Thickness: Glue bonding type 22.3 μm, Direct bonding type 21.4 μm)


Data courtesy

JASRI (Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute)

Dr. Kentaro UESUGI


The measurement condition and data are at the time of evaluation and may not apply to all cases. Please consider as a reference case.

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