optical sensors Optical Sensors

Optical sensors

Our photodiodes cover a broad spectral range, from near-infrared and ultraviolet wavelengths to high-energy regions. Available in metal, ceramic, and module types.

APDs are photodiodes with internal gain produced by the application of a reverse voltage. They have a higher signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) than PIN photodiodes, as well as fast time response, low dark current, and high sensitivity.

MPPC (Multi-Pixel Photon Counter) is a device called SiPM, which is a photon counting device that is a multi-pixelized Geiger mode APD. While it is an optical semiconductor device, it has an excellent detection ability, so this device can be used in a variety of applications to detect very low-level light at the photon counting level. Hamamatsu’s SPAD (Single Photon Avalanche Diode) is an element with a structure of a single pixel that combines a Geiger mode APD and a quenching resistor into one set. It is an optical semiconductor element that enables photon counting.

Photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) suitable for applications that require high speed, low noise, and high gain. Our PMTs include bare tubes, assemblies, and modules offering a wide selection of photosensitive areas and spectral responses.

Phototubes are photodetectors that feature high sensitivity, superior temperature stability, wide dynamic range, large photosensitive area, and low-voltage operation. Suitable for applications such as chemical and medical analysis and laser measurement.

Hamamatsu Photonics develops and manufactures image sensors with high sensitivity and a wide dynamic range that are ideal for high precision measurement such as spectrophotometry, as well as industrial measurement.

Sensors used for distance measurement and position detection. Suitable for many applications, such as LiDAR.

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