Medical Medical


Early disease detection is essential to maintaining good health and extending lives

At Hamamatsu, we are developing advanced photonic technologies for medical imaging that allows for earlier detection of diseases and staging of treatment.

medical imaging animation

There is consensus among the medical community that regular exams using modern diagnostic imaging techniques allow for early detection of disease. Furthermore, diagnostic imaging has proven essential for staging and treatment of various diseases to obtain good outcomes.


Hamamatsu designs, develops, and manufactures high-performance photonic devices and sensors optimized for a wide range of medical imaging applications, such as positron emission tomography (PET), computed tomography (CT), mammography, and other X-ray modalities.

Click below to learn more about our state-of-the-art photonic devices and see how they can be adapted to your medical imaging system design to help people live longer, healthier lives.

X-ray computed radiography (CR)

X-ray computed radiography (CR)

Takes advantage of X-ray sensitive imaging plates, a small beam diameter laser, scanning and light-collecting optics and a high sensitivity detector like a photomultiplier tube or SiPM to produce high quality X-ray radiographic images.

Digital radiography

X-ray digital radiography (DR)

The latest advancement in the field of radiography, uses a digital flat panel X-ray detector to directly acquire X-ray images and transfer them to a computer for viewing.

PET scan

PET scan

An imaging method that detects gamma rays emitted by radioisotopes attached to sugar molecules. The radioisotope tracer is absorbed by abnormal tissues in the patient’s body; then emitted gamma rays are detected by an array of high sensitivity detectors, like a photomultiplier tube or SiPM to create an image of cancer or other disease in the patient’s body. PET can also be used for imaging small animals during drug development.

Research and development

In order to contribute to a healthy society, we apply a wide range of photonics technologies into healthcare and medicine.  Our Central Research Laboratory continually researches and develops the best components for PET, near-infrared spectroscopy and imaging, sports measurements, and biomedical research.  This work will continue to expand the new possibilities of light into the future.

Learn more about initiatives from our Central Research Laboratory.

Contact us for more information.

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