See beyond the surface See beyond the surface

See beyond the surface

Step into the captivating world of photonics as it revolutionizes the way we ensure food quality and sorting. In this enlightening video, we explore the powerful role of photonics technology in the food industry and its incredible impact on enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and consumer safety.

See how photonic technologies can "see beyond the surface" as  food defects are found that the human eye cannot see.

Witness firsthand how this cutting-edge technology is transforming food quality control, facilitating seamless sorting operations, and ultimately delivering healthier, safer, and more consistent products to our tables.

Moisture content can greatly influence the quality and shelf life of agricultural products. The slight trace of additional moisture can indicate the start of mold. A bruise indicates that oxygen has penetrated the skin or peel into the fruit. Bruised fruit or vegetables will have brown spots and/or eventually turn completely brown. While most are safe to eat, bruised fruit are not aesthetically appealing or can be over-ripe. A bruised fruit or vegetable should be filtered out during the sorting and inspection process as it could indicate mold or be over-ripe.

Food Sorting And Inspection-Apple 1

Visible wavelength image of an apple.

Infrared image of an apple, taken with CR12741-03 InGaAs camera, shows hidden defects.

Infrared image of an apple, taken with C12741-03 InGaAs camera, shows hidden defects.

As fruits and vegetables travel down the conveyor belt, to optimize the food sorting inspection process, it is necessary to place different high-speed imaging devices at strategic locations on the conveyor belt. These sensors will automatically scan produce, detecting visible and invisible defects on produce that should be filtered out so they do not reach the store.

InGas Conveyer Belt

As apples travel down the conveyor belt, they are scanned using InGaAs and CMOS cameras. The InGaAs camera will show defects beginning to form under the skin that a human eye cannot see; the CMOS camera will show visible defects.

InGaAs detectors and cameras for SWIR imaging

Our line of InGaAs array detectors (InGaAs image sensors) feature:

  • High sensitivity in the NIR and SWIR regions up to 2.55 µm
  • Low readout noise
  • Low dark noise
  • High-speed response
  • Built-in CMOS circuits for simple operation and easy signal processing
  • Linear and area arrays available

InGaAs linear image sensors are suitable for in-line sorting of agricultural products because of their high-speed line rate and high sensitivity. They are available in a variety of cutoff wavelengths, pixel counts, and line readout speeds. Most of our linear image sensors have a metal or ceramic package, but we also offer ones with a flexible plastic cable as a less expensive option.


InGaAs area image sensors are suitable for hyperspectral imaging. High-speed frame rate, low readout noise, and high sensitivity characterize these area arrays. They are available in various cutoff wavelengths, pixel arrays, and frame rates.


Our line of InGaAs cameras feature:

  • High sensitivity from 950 to 1700 nm
  • Low readout noise
  • High dynamic range
  • USB 3.0
  • Compact and light body
  • Custom solutions

InGaAs cameras provide plug-and-play solutions using 1D InGaAs image sensors or 2D InGaAs image sensors. Also they are an easy solution for multispectral/ hyperspectral imaging cameras to be built based on the original camera.


We offer a broad selection of standard InGaAs products, but if they do not fit your requirements exactly, we can offer customized solutions.

Recommended products

CMOS linear image sensors

These are suitable for UV-VIS measurement in food inspection applications. CMOS sensors designed for spectroscopy and those designed for high-speed, in-line scanning are available. 

CMOS area image sensors

Designed to be integrated into cameras, these CMOS area arrays offer imaging capability across a wide spectral range from UV to NIR. 

InGaAs linear image sensors

Their sensitivity and fast speed make these InGaAs linear image sensors appropriate for in-line sorting of food based on NIR and SWIR detection. For conveyor belt, in-line inspection, 40K lps. 

InGaAs area image sensors

Suitable for hyperspectral imaging, InGaAs area image sensors have high sensitivity and fast frame rates. 

InGaAs cameras

Suitable for plug-and-play solution with high sensitivity InGaAs image sensors built in. 

Contact us for more information.

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