Is digital pathology the answer?

Robert Turner, Application Engineer, NanoZoomer
January 19, 2021

About this webinar

Digital pathology is growing exponentially year by year since the first whole slide scanner was introduced in 1990. Initially within the UK, the market was mainly centered on research facilities, but the advantages are now being recognized within the clinical market and in particular within the National Health Service (NHS). The ever dwindling numbers of consultant histopathologists calls for innovative ways to fully utilize the current future workforce, and digital pathology is seen as one of those ways.


About the presenter

In June 2020, Robert Turner joined the Hamamatsu Photonics UK ‘s NanoZoomer team as an Application Engineer. Previously he was employed with the NHS for 15 years, the last 7 of those as a biomedical scientist within cellular pathology. While in this position, he was the technical lead for the implementation of digital pathology, along with two different scanner platforms.


Robert has experience carrying out validation of whole slide scanners in a clinical setting, and knowledge of the key features to look out for when choosing a digital pathology solution. In his opinion, digital pathology is the future for histologists and he is excited to be a part of the journey with Hamamatsu Photonics UK.