Approach to Sustainability

Achieving a sustainable future for our world with light – Social and environmental values creation

As a company that makes use of light to create value for society and the environment, we will continue endeavoring to achieve our vision for the future based on the management philosophy of the Hamamatsu Photonics Group.

We work to foster a world where harmony, collaboration, and co-creation can be achieved through photonics technology, recognizing the positive and negative impacts of our existence on society and the environment.

We strive to always be a reputable and trustworthy company while upholding high ethical standards among all employees.

In order to achieve this, we have identified material issues and goals to be addressed (Materiality). We remain committed to challenging ourselves to reach our vision for the future.


Basic policy on corporate governance

Under our management philosophy, we have established this basic policy with a view to realize the ideal corporate governance based on the resolution of our board of directors. This policy is designed to enable the Hamamatsu Photonics Group to achieve sustainable growth, enhance enterprise value in the long-term and to enable our shareholders to hold our shares with continued confidence.

Basic policy on corporate governance [153 KB/PDF]
(As amended in March 24, 2023)


Basic approach to corporate ethics and compliance

On the basis of the basic policy on corporate governance, we are aware of the Corporate Social Responsibility and will strictly abide by laws and regulations. In addition, each employee acts with a high ethical outlook and a spirit of pursuit in the unknown and unexplored.


Basic approach to corporate ethics and compliance  [72 KB/PDF]


Hamamatsu Photonics Group Basic Policy of Sustainability


The Hamamatsu Photonics Group is dedicated to exploring the unknown and unexplored aspects of light. We are committed to creating new markets that contribute to a better society and a healthier planet by utilizing new technologies and knowledge to discover new opportunities. Aiming to grow as a company that is sound and trusted, we will maintain high awareness of sustainability and compliance, and work together with all stakeholders to promote business.


  1. We will strive to pursue the unknown and unexplored of light, and aim to establish new industries.
  2. We will contribute to social and human development by offering safe and high-quality products and services with photonics technology.
  3. We will ensure corporate ethics and foster the corporate culture that all employees conduct the right behaviors as members of society.
  4. We will strictly abide by all relevant laws, regulations, and conventions, be they local, national, or international, in letter and in spirit.
  5. We will conduct fair transactions, appropriately manage information, and prevent unauthorized access, information leakage, and unauthorized use.
  6. We will provide appropriate and accurate information to our stakeholders in a timely manner.
  7. We will conduct ecologically-sound and sustainable business activities, considering the environment and contributing to its preservation.
  8. We will give consideration to people who are affected by our business activities, and respect human rights.
  9. We will respect our employees, support their development, and provide a pleasant and safe work environment.
  10. We will continue to serve as a philanthropic partner within our local communities.


Established as “Basic Policy of Sustainability”: October 22, 2021 (Resolution of the Board of Directors)
Revised: June 1, 2024 (Resolution of the Board of Directors)

Key matters to be addressed and targets (Materiality) 

We have analyzed and rated the significance of risks and opportunities related to various sustainability issues, including the impact on our business activities, value chain and stakeholders. We have also considered the effect of future social and environmental changes on our business. The Board of Executive Officers and the Board of Directors discussed and decided on the following  eight themes to address these important issues and goals.

Creating social and environmental values throughout our business

1 Product/Technology Contributing to the enhancement of social and environmental values with light-powered innovation
2 Highly Profitable Management Contributing to the realization of a stable and prosperous economy and society through sustainable, highly profitable management
3 Quality Contributing to customers’ value by providing superior safety, quality, and service

Strengthening our business base/Meeting CSR and fulfilling expectations

4 Environment Promote earth-friendly business practices that coexist in harmony with our planet
5 Human Rights & Labor Creating a happier employment system and workplace
6 Diversity Developing human resources to support the group's growth and contribution to society
7 Corporate Governance Promote governance and management that ensures stability and growth in value creation
8 Supply Chain Establish a stable supply system and responsible supply chain for products

Approved by the Board of Directors: August 2023


Materiality identification process


Promotion structure


The Board of Directors supervises our commitment to the entire activities of sustainability including "Key matters to be addressed and targets (Materiality)".

We established Sustainability Office within Global Management and Planning General Headquarters in order to promote such group-wide initiatives.


October 2010 : Established Fundamental CSR policy

October 2021 : Established Basic Policy of Sustainability and Sustainability Management Committee

April 2023 : Expanded organizational structure to implement various sustainability activities, including Global Management and Planning General Headquarters

June 2024 : Revised Basic Policy of Sustainability (integrated with Fundamental CSR policy) and established Sustainability Office

Officer in charge of sustainability

Ken Nozaki(Director, Managing Executive Officer, Chief of Global Management and Planning General Headquarters)

Organization chart

Relationships with stakeholders

We view cooperation with stakeholders as a vital undertaking that contributes to the further enhancement of our corporate value. We actively engage in communication and dialogue on our corporate activities in order to build relationships of trust with our varied stakeholders.


Stakeholders Initiatives and communication details
Customers Routine sales activities; provision of safe and secure products; customer support including after-sales support; provision of product information; information exchange at PHOTON FAIR, exhibitions, etc.; e-mail newsletter distribution Products 
Quality control 
Contact us
Shareholders General Meeting of Shareholders; financial results briefings; IR-DAY (business briefing); PHOTON FAIR; distribution of profits; communication of information through investor web pages, integrated reports, shareholder bulletins, etc.; individual meetings with institutional investors Investors
Employees Communication of information on internal websites/intranet; labor-management discussions; personnel evaluation interviews; questionnaire-based surveys; in-house newsletters; work style reform; messages from the president; PHOTON FAIR Respect for human rights and diversity
Acquisition and development of human resources
Business partners Routine procurement activities; CSR surveys; fair business dealings; PHOTON FAIR Supply chain
Material procurement
Responsible Minerals Sourcing
Local communities Contribution to society through our business and products; social contribution activities; information exchanges and dialogues with economic and industry bodies; PHOTON FAIR Social contribution
Global Environment Climate change mitigation activities; prevention of pollution; proper management of chemical substances; conservation of biodiversity Environment