Protecting our water resources

Effective use of water resources

Hamamatsu Photonics has set a medium- and long-term target of "Support of reduction of water use per unit of sales by 10 % compared with FY2020 by FY2030" and a short-term target of "Support of reduction of water use per unit of sales by 1 % compared to the previous year".

Results in FY2023 (non-consolidated):

・22.4 % reduction compared with FY2020

・1.3 % increase compared to the previous year.

Medium- and long-term targets were achieved, but short-term targets were not.

Trends in water use and water use per unit of net sales

*Calculation scope: Hamamatsu Photonics K.K.

We recognize the importance of water resources and is dedicated to reducing its use, as well as recycling the water it does use. We conduct water-saving campaigns in-house. At its Main Factory, we have introduced a system to obtain half of the water used in pure-water manufacturing from recycled water. Today we recycle 200,000 m3 of water per year.

Water use and wastewater management

  Unit FY2021 FY2022 FY2023
Water (1,000m3) [consolidated:825]
  Tap water (1,000m3) [consolidated:136]
  Well water (1,000m3) [consolidated:640]
  Industrial water (1,000m3) [consolidated:49]
Wastewater (1,000m3) [consolidated:789]
  Public sewer (1,000m3) [consolidated:179]
  River discharge (1,000m3) [consolidated:610]

* Calculation scope: Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. Consolidated

Note: The term "Third party sources" used by the CDP Water applies to the total of "tap water" and "industrial water", and "Groundwater (renewable)" by the CDP Water applies to "Well water".
Note: "River discharge" is applied to total of "Fresh surface water" and "Groundwater" by the CDP Water, and "Third-party destinations" by the CDP Water applies to "Public sewer".

Hamamatsu Photonics monitors water intake and wastewater volumes at all of its factories and research facilities, based on the laws of Japan and its own criteria. Each month, third-party analytical organizations conduct wastewater analysis, testing wastewater at points just before the final discharge ports. If abnormal values are discovered, we immediately undertake to determine the causes and takes appropriate measures, in strict compliance with environmental laws and regulations.

Water risk assessment and countermeasures

Hamamatsu Photonics evaluate water risks of all production sites both Japan and overseas with water-risk evaluation tool “WRI Aqueduct”. As of January 2024, we confirm that all domestic production sites have no significant water risks.


In addition to "WRI Aqueduct", we also measure of risks with local hazard maps such as "Hamamatsu City Disaster Prevention Maps" and "Ibaraki Digital Map". As a result, we recognize that Shingai Factory would be inundated if the Tenryu River should flood. Therefore, in the new building No.2 of the Shingai Factory, we are taking measures against flood damage, such as installing waterproof walls and buoyancy flip-up waterproof plates.


Furthermore, Hamamatsu Photonics has participated in the  CDP Water Security since 2016, we report our water risk and countermeasures on it.

Installed waterproof walls and plates

Contributions to replenishment of groundwater and preservation of forests

• Replenishment of groundwater and preservation of forests
To preserve the groundwater in its home region, Hamamatsu Photonics and the Regional Groundwater Response Council cosponsor regular groundwater-replenishment and forest-preservation exercises. We participate in these exercises as a member of the Council, which is composed of Iwata City Environmental Preservation Promotion Council and groundwater users in the surrounding region. The aim of these efforts is to preserve abundant water resources for future generations by maintaining groundwater replenishment levels, through the cultivation of healthy forests. In 2023 we took part in thinning of a local forest aimed at replenishing groundwater, sponsored by the Regional Groundwater Response Council.


• Afforestation for protection against tides
As part of its activities to preserve biodiversity and contribute to the region, we participate in the "~KALA Project". The "~KALA Project" is a project to plant protective stands of trees on the inland side of seawalls, to mitigate damage from tsunamis. The effort was initiated as part of the Hamamatsu Area Seawall Plan, led by the government of Shizuoka Prefecture. Since 2017 we have participated once or twice a year, with activities such as planting trees and mowing grass.

Contributions to replenishment of groundwater and preservation of forests

Contributions to replenishment of groundwater and preservation of forests

(Photo courtesy of: Iwata City)