Intellectual Property Management

Basic Approach

Management philosophy of the Hamamatsu Photonics group states, "Every day, we strive to pursue the unknown and unexplored.  Based on new technologies and knowledge exploring new opportunities, we create markets that contribute to a better society and a healthier planet."  Knowledge, demands and technologies that are acquired through the process of creating Photonics industries is the foundation of our business.  Results acquired are supplied as our products in a stable manner, through which we contribute to society.  At the same time, we believe that supporting our business activities indirectly by safeguarding these results by intellectual property rights, is essential.

To carry out corporate activities under this management philosophy, corporate code of conduct was established in order to earn the trust and understanding of society by complying with the letter and spirit of laws, acting with high ethical outlook and a sense of responsibility.

Our group, manage our intellectual properties based on the following approach:  Within our corporate code of conduct, it is specified that mutual intellectual property rights are to be respected in transactions.  We respect the intellectual property rights of others, will take care not to infringe their rights, and will take appropriate action in managing intellectual property.

At the same time, we will also utilize our intellectual property rights and take necessary and legitimate action against any conduct that would interfere with stably supplying our products of high quality.


Hamamatsu Photonics Group Intellectual Property (IP) Management Policy

1. Based on intellectual property strategies that is in accordance with our business strategies, acquire IP rights that are valid and effective for our business activities

(1) Discover inventions, file and acquire patents that contribute to our business

(2) Strengthen our IP portfolio of major products and topics

2. Take appropriate actions regarding other parties' IP rights

(1) Prevent troubles such as patent disputes by investigation and analysis of other parties' patents

(2) Take appropriate actions as necessary and as required by our business needs

3. Contribute to our business activities by utilizing our IP rights

(1) Take necessary and legitimate action against infringement by third parties

4. Provide IP information to promote research & development, and to support stable supply of our products

5. Assist our domestic and foreign subsidiaries with IP affairs with the aim of corporate globalization

6. Contribute to the sales and profits of our company and group through our policy 1 - 5 listed above.

Specific Approach and Performance Results

In October 2023, we have revised our regulation for handling employee inventions, and compensation amount paid to employee inventors for their patents, design patents, know-how and such, was largely increased.  Everyday our engineers/researchers face many challenges and difficulties to overcome, within the process of creating Photonics industries based on our business foundation ("knowledge, demands and technologies").  We expect the increase in compensation would further raise their motivation, leading to a virtuous cycle of "creating of new business".
In addition, Intellectual Property Headquarters, consisting of two departments (as described below), was established.  To propose IP strategies based on business and research strategies, and to strategically build and utilize our IP portfolios are among its missions.

1.  Intellectual Property Planning and Administration Department

Agreement negotiations (of the entire Hamamatsu group including overseas subsidiaries); disputes and litigations; internal and external communications regarding intellectual property (e.g. education, raising awareness, public relations, IR); and overall management of intellectual property are among the responsibilities of this group.


2.  Intellectual Property Strategy Department

Members of this group are assigned to each division/research lab to work together and cooperate with the departments (of the assigned division)/labs.  Not only are the members knowledgeable in the process of discovering IP, filing/obtaining IP rights, and handling and dealing with other parties' patents, they are extremely knowledgeable in the business/research of the divisions/labs they work with.


Based on technical information, market information and IP information (of the division/lab) that are gathered centrally, the members propose IP strategies that match and fit the business/research strategies of the divisions/labs, and will proceed with IP tasks involved with the proposal.  By having diverse human resources and ideas "nurture" the discovered "buds of invention" based on multi-faceted information, strengthening of the IP portfolio is promoted, and by strategically utilizing the portfolio, business strategy promotion will be supported.

The group will also contribute in reviewing and re-evaluating of the business strategies by providing the multi-faceted analysis results of technical information, market information and IP information.

At Hamamatsu, 75% of dometically filed IP applications (patents, utility models, trademarks) are filed internationally in order to support our business worldwide.

Figure 1:Number of IP rights patented/registered, trademarks not included

As shown in Figure 1, our worldwide IP rights acquirement average 780 annually.

849 were acquired in 76th fiscal year (October 1, 2022 through September 30, 2023) and as of October 1, 2023, we now hold 8554 IP rights worldwide (as shown in Figure 2).

Figure 2:Number of IP rights by type (current as of Sept 30, 2023)

Breakdown of the countries shown in Figure 3 - Japan 31%, US 20%, Europe (UK/Germany/France and other European countries) 22%, Asia (China/Korea/Taiwan) 22% - closely matches the sales ratio for each region.

Figure 3:  Number of IP rights by country, trademarks not included (current as of Sept.30, 2023)

As shown in Figure 4, IP rights we currently hold (patents/utility models/designs) amount to electron tube business 18%, opto-semiconductor business 36%, imaging and measurement instruments business 16%, laser business 11%, and others (including new business) 19%. 

Approximately 80% of our IP rights provide protection for businesses that currently lead our sales, of which 2/3 are implemented in our products, and 1/3 in our strategic IP portfolios.

* Organizational change of October 2023 is reflected in Fig.4.  Compound semiconductor and semiconductor lasers that were categorized business-wise as "others" in the past are now included in opto-semiconductor business category.  Laser processing device, categorized in electron tube business in the past, is now included in laser business.

Figure 4:  Number/Ratio of IP rights by business category (current as of Sept.30, 2023)