Business continuity plan

Basic Approach

Hamamatsu Photonics aims to contribute to society and create new industries through advanced photonics technologies. Suspension of our business due to a large-scale disaster such as an earthquake on the scale of the Tokai earthquake would not only affect our customers’ operations but also have a significant impact on society. In recognition of this risk, we have formulated a business continuity plan (BCP), to fulfill our responsibility to supply our customers with products in the event of a large-scale disaster. The Company has also formulated a plan of preparatory initiatives and responses in case of emergency to ensure customers of stable supplies of our products.


Hamamatsu Photonics Group Business Continuity Policy

  1. Protection of human life
    We give top priority to protecting the lives of our employees, their families, customers and business partners in our business continuity efforts.
  2. Business continuity
    The safety of our employees is our highest priority. Within that framework, we strive to ensure stable supplies through immediate establishment of the necessary systems to continue the supply of our products. By these means we aim to earn the trust of our customers and maintain our management foundation.
  3. Contribution to society
    We contribute to society not only by providing a continuous supply of its products but also through close cooperation with local communities. We contribute to communities through proactive engagement in restoring disaster-ravaged communities to the utmost extent of our capability. For example, we move quickly to accommodate local residents immediately after a disaster.

Hamamatsu Photonics Group Business Continuity Policy

Emergency drills

We conduct disaster drills twice a year, including evacuation drills, communication drills, safety verification drills and more. The purpose of these drills is to instill responses and identify future tasks in the event of emergencies such as large-scale disasters.

Emergency drills