Respect for human rights and diversity

Prohibition of discrimination

Hamamatsu Photonics respects the human rights of our officers, employees and all interested parties, and prohibits discrimination based on sex, age, nationality, race, ethnicity, religion, belief, thought, social status, disability, sexual orientation and gender identity in accordance with the laws of each country.

Measures to prevent harassment

Harassment is prohibited at Hamamatsu Photonics. The Company recognizes that harassment violates respect for individuality and creates hostility in the workplace. To combat harassment, the Company sets up contact points in each business division to handle complaints concerning harassment and informs employees of those contact points on its internal website. The personnel in the contact points have been trained on harassment. In dealing with harassment, we pay particular attention to protecting the privacy of all parties concerned. We also ensure that those who submitted complaints or cooperated in confirming the facts of harassment will not suffer unfavorable treatment. In the event that a complaint concerning harassment is received, it is discussed by the Complaint Processing Committee following the fact-finding investigation.


We also provide appropriate education for preventing harassment.

Status of Implementation of Harassment Education

FY2022 7 times
FY2021 4 times
FY2020 1 times

Women’s active participation

Hamamatsu Photonics is an ardent supporter of women in the workplace. We believe that an active role for women in the workplace can be defined as a state in which women can work with peace of mind long-term without leaving the Company due to factors such as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care, while making the most of their abilities and fulfilling their responsibilities in the right jobs. Supported by this commitment, we believe women will play increasingly vital roles in the Company’s success, bringing positive value to its long-term business performance. Accordingly, we are recruiting new graduates with the following targets in mind.

【Action plan for April 2022 to March 2024: submitted to the Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare】

  • Increase the percentage of women among new hires for career-track and general positions (including mid-career hires) to at least 15%.

【Current status】

Percentage of women among new graduates and mid-career recruits

  Male Female Total (percentage of women)
FY2022 Recruits 188 persons 45 persons 233 persons(19.3 %)
FY2021 Recruits 161 persons 27 persons 188 persons(14.4 %)
FY2020 Recruits 137 persons 29 persons 166 persons(17.5 %)

【Case studies on women’s participation in the workplace】

Case study 1: Seminars on work-life balance:
From September to October 2018, Kashiko Kodate, an outside director, presented seminars on Hamamatsu Photonics’ childcare support system at five business sites in the Hamamatsu region to raise employees’ awareness of the importance of work-life balance. A total of 211 people participated in these seminars. Ms. Kodate explained the need to change the mindset of both men and women, based on the idea that the attainment of work-life balance generates increased happiness by creating a positive cycle of synergies between life and work.

Case study 2: Recruiting women:
Increasing recruitment of women cannot be achieved overnight. Hamamatsu Photonics mainly recruits science students, of whom the percentage of women is typically low. To redress this imbalance, we believe that active measures are necessary and will continue to be needed in the future.
We joined the “Riko Challenge” initiative led by the Gender Equality Bureau Cabinet Office, with the aim of stimulating the interest of female junior-high and high school students in careers in science and engineering. In 2023, we conducted online light seminars and workshops, and informal meetings with our female employees. We believe that these programs helped them choose their career paths. (August 10, 2023)

Recruiting women

Employment of persons with disabilities

At Hamamatsu Photonics we believe that everyone can train themselves through their daily work to discover things only they can do. We continuously strive to employ people with disabilities, encouraging them to develop their own areas of work specialization. The Company’s rate of employment of people with disabilities is as follows.

  Employment rate of people with disabilities Statutory employment rate
2022 2.30% 2.30%
2021 2.02% 2.30%
2020 2.10% 2.20%

Hamamatsu PhotoAgri, a wholly owned subsidiary, was established on April 3, 2017. As of December 15, 2022, this company employs seven people with disabilities.
This company will continue to employ more people with disabilities as a special subsidiary company.

Hamamatsu PhotoAgri produces crops at a farm that cultivates “rich-leaf” vegetables, a class of vegetables that is particularly rich in nutrients. The company identifies issues in production and conducts research activities, with people with disabilities assuming a primary role. Employees with disabilities monitor soil conditions, growth conditions and pest proliferation; manage the farms; and at times sell the products to consumers. The environment at Hamamatsu PhotoAgri enables people with disabilities to play a constructive and vital role in the society. Ultimately Hamamatsu PhotoAgri aims to generate profits without subsidy or other support.