qCMOS cameras qCMOS cameras

Applications | qCMOS cameras

Quantum technology

Neutral atom, Trapped ion

Neutral atoms and ions are aligned one by one in an array to be utilized as Qubits for Quantum computing. The qubit states can be determined by observing the fluorescence from each of them. The measurement of the fluorescence needs to be done in short time and then photodetectors with very low noise and high speed are needed. ORCA-Quest 2 can do both of diagnosis of the whole qubit array and state detection of each qubit with very low noise characteristics and high speed readout. Also, the QE covers wide range of wavelength for major ion and atom species.

Fluorescence imaging of Rb atom array with ORCA-Quest 

Data courtery of: Takashi Yamamoto and Asst. Prof. Toshiki Kobayashi, Osaka University

Quantum optics

Quantum optics uses single photon sources to make use of the Quantum nature of the single photon.The quantum optics research also uses single photon counting detectors, and now there are emerging needs of photon number resolving detectors to distinguish photon numbers coming into the detectors.A photon counting camera, a new concept in camera technologies, is expected to make a new discovery in this field.


Experimental setup of Quantum imaging with ORCA-Quest

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Images of Quantum imaging with ORCA-Quest

Data courtery of: Miles Padgett, University of Glasgow

Life science

Super resolution microscopy

Super resolution microscopy refers to a collection of methods to get a microscope image with higher spatial resolution than diffraction limit.The super resolution microscopy needs scientific cameras with combination of very low noise and small pixel size, resulting in a higher resolution. 

Super resolution images from ORCA-Quest

qCMOS camera / 4.6 μm  pixel size

Super resolution images from ORCA-Fusion

Gen III sCMOS camera / 6.5 μm pixel size

Experimental setup with ORCA-Quest

Provided by Steven Coleman at Visitech international with their VT-iSIM, high speed super resolution live cell imaging system.


Bioluminescence microscopy has been gaining attentions because of the unique advantages against the conventional fluorescence microscopy, such as no need of excitation light.The major drawback of the bioluminescence is its very low light intensity, resulting in long exposure time and low image quality.The bioluminescence research needs highly sensitive cameras even in long exposure.

NanoLuc fusion protein ARRB2 and Venus fusion protein V2R are nearby and BRET is occurring.

Overall image in the field of view(Objective: 20× / Exposure Time: 30sec / Binning: 4×4)

Appearance of the microscope system

Data courtery of: Dr.Masataka Yanagawa, Department of Molecular & Cellular Biochemistry Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Science , Tohoku University

Delayed fluorescence in plants

Plants release a very small portion of the light energy they absorb for photosynthesis as light over a period of time. This phenomenon is known as delayed fluorescence. By detecting this faint light, it is possible to observe the effects of chemicals, pathogens, the environment, and other stressors on plants.

c15550-20UP application4

Delayed fluorescence of ornamental plants (exposure for 10 seconds after 10 seconds of excitation light quenching)


Lucky imaging

When observing stars from the ground, the image of the star can be blurred due to atmospheric turbulence therefore substantially reducing the ability to capture clear images. However, with short exposures and the right atmospheric conditions, you can sometimes capture clear images. For this reason, lucky imaging is a method of acquiring a large number of images and integrating only the clearest ones while aligning them.

Orion Nebula (Color image with 3 wavelength filters)

Imaging setup

Adaptive optics

Adaptive optics is a method where systems immediately correct the wavefront of incoming light which is disturbed by atmospheric fluctuations. In order to perform real-time and highly accurate wavefront correction, a camera needs to get images with high speed and high spatial resolution. In addition, the camera also needs high sensitivity because the wavefront correction is performed in a very dark condition where a laser guide star is measured.

Wavefront correction by adaptive optics


Comparison of adaptive optics

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*Data courtery of: Kodai Yamamoto, Ph.D., Department of Astronomy, Kyoto University

HEP / Synchrotron

For imaging of X-ray or other kinds of high energy particles, a scientific camera coupled with a scintillator is often used. Low noise and high speed are required in the imaging system to detect momentary phenomena.

X-ray phase contrast CT image of mouse embryo

X-ray phase contrast CT image of mouse embryo from ORCA-Quest combined with High resolution X-ray imaging system (M11427)

Exposure time: 15 msec, Total measurement time: 6.5 min

Experimental setup

Camera setup

Data courtery of: SPring-8 BL20B2 beamline by Dr. Masato Hoshino, Senior researcher in Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI)

Raman spectroscopy

Raman effect is the scattering of light at a wavelength different from that of the incident light, and Raman spectroscopy is a technique for determining the material properties by measuring this wavelength. Raman spectroscopy enables structural analysis at the molecular level, which provides information on chemical bonding, crystallinity, etc.

Raman spectrum (single frame) comparison under condition of equal photon number per pixel in line scan type Raman imaging system

Raman Image



Special site

This site provides information on scientific cameras.

Since there is a wide range of camera types and performance, it is important to select the best camera for each application.

It introduces technical information, simulation tools, and examples of actual applications to help you fully understand the performance of the camera and select the best one for your application.

We publish case study articles of our ORCA-Quest customers.