MEMS confocal unit MEMS confocal unit

Features | MEMS confocal unit

Our modular subunit structure makes adding extra channels easy

MAICO has a unique subunit structure which contains all the necessary components for each fluorescence band excitation and detection in a single unit.
By adopting the subunit structure you can select for example a single fluorescence band when you purchase your first unit.  You can then add more imaging channels as your research progresses.


MAICO supports single channel observation as well as up to four multi-channel (405 nm, 488 nm, 561 nm, and 638 nm) simultaneous excitation and observation.

Main body and subunit

High-sensitivity detectors

Hamamatsu Photonics’ detectors have a long track record in the field of fluorescence measurement. By adopting the world’s most sensitive detector (photomultiplier tube) and applying our signal processing know-how, we were able to reduce the laser power to class 3R with sufficient fluorescence signals.

This has important implications for live cell imaging, such as long time-lapse imaging.


MEMS confocal unit Feature2

High-speed scanning with MEMS mirror

We adopted our 29 kHz resonant type high-speed MEMS mirror as a spot scanning device. The MEMS mirror allows for a high-speed scan up to 76 frames/s and can be used for high-speed phenomena such as Ca2+ dynamics.


The high-speed resonant scanning system reduces laser irradiation time, which enables low phototoxicity, low photobleaching and high-efficiency observation of live cells as well as fixed samples.

High-speed scanning allows for comfortable observation at high resolution with minimal display delay when searching for and focusing on samples.

MEMS confocal unit Feature4

Conventional confocal optics

MAICO was designed to comply to the conventional confocal optics, which has a long history, using a spot scanning device and pinholes to acquire optical sectioning images.

When imaging thick fluorescence samples, only the fluorescence emitted from the focal plane of the objective passes through the pinholes to the detector, while fluorescence emitted from further away from the focal plane is blocked.
It detects quantitative, reproducible and reliable signals. It also acquires high contrast images without the need for image processing techniques, such as deconvolution.

MEMS confocal unit Feature3

No laser control area required

As MAICO utilizes our most sensitive detectors and signal processing know-how, we were able to successfully reduce the laser power to a Class 3R. Therefore, you can use MAICO in a normal laboratory environment, without the need for a laser controlled area.

Software support

MAICO is compatible with DCAM-API, a common camera library, and can be controlled by Hamamatsu’s HCImage software. It is also possible to acquire images with DCAM-API compatible third party software.

Overview and concept of MAICO.

MAICO enables imaging with reduced bleed-through between wavelengths, which is an issue in multi-wavelength simultaneous observation. We will introduce how we have achieved a reduction of bleed-through.

The MAICO line-up includes units with different wavelengths and sensitivities.

Explanation of the principles of a confocal microscope, which enables you to acquire an image that is less blurry, higher contrast, and higher resolution.

Imaging example videos of MAICO.

Frequently asked questions about MAICO are listed here.

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