Untangling the mysteries of quantum technology using the ORCA®-Quest qCMOS® camera

Brad Coyle,  Hamamatsu Corporation
Klea Dhimitri,  Hamamatsu Corporation
April 18, 2023

About this webinar

Regardless of the problem, in every sci-fi movie these days the solution seems to be “nano” or “quantum” technology. But good sci-fi is rooted in reality. Advances in understanding quantum entanglement, developing reliable quantum computers, and characterizing the light sources and optics needed for quantum experiments have become our daily reality. At Hamamatsu, our role in quantum research is as varied as our products. With the development of the ORCA-Quest, we offer the first quantitative CMOS (qCMOS) camera specifically designed with quantum imaging science in mind. In the first half of this presentation, we will provide a comprehensive overview of the ORCA-Quest and highlight the engineering successes needed to achieve less than 0.3 e- rms readout noise and photon-resolving capabilities. In the second phase of the talk, we will connect how specific performance elements of the ORCA-Quest make it well suited to quantum research, including cold atoms and quantum entanglement. Pushing the envelope of an emerging technology requires new tools to take you beyond the edge of discovery. We believe that the ORCA-Quest is one of those tools. We invite you to come learn about this exciting, new breakthrough designed to help ignite questions and detect answers.

Credit SPIE.online as the owner and producer of the recording.

About the presenters

Brad Coyle is OEM camera product manager at Hamamatsu. He has worked in the imaging field for over 16 years. His lab experience is in cell biology and live-cell microscopy. For eight years, he worked in advanced microscopy sales for Nikon Instruments. He joined Hamamatsu eight years ago in direct camera sales and quickly moved into OEM and automated imaging. His expertise includes camera and sensor technology, and advanced life science, physics, and industrial applications. Hamamatsu is a world leader focused on light-powered innovation. The company’s mission is to benefit society through the development of technologies that capture, measure, and generate various types of light.


Klea Dhimitri is an Applications Engineer at Hamamatsu Corporation in Bridgewater, NJ. Her expertise includes photodetectors—such as photomultiplier tubes (PMTs), SPPC (SPAD), MPPC (SiPM), photodiodes, and avalanche photodiodes (APDs)—and their role in quantum applications. Klea leads Hamamatsu’s efforts in bringing R&D from Japan together with researchers and early adopters in North America to provide a range of photonic solutions, from detectors to modulators to cameras, for the current and future quantum technologies landscape. She also manages Hamamatsu Corporation’s engagement and activities in North American quantum hubs like Chicago Quantum Exchange (CQE). She received her bachelor’s degree in physics and mathematics from CUNY Hunter College in 2018.