Color measurement using RGB digital color sensors and photodiodes Color measurement using RGB digital color sensors and photodiodes

Color measurement using
RGB digital color sensors
and photodiodes

RGB digital color sensors: Affordable yet accurate color sensor options

RGB color sensors are often the most cost-effective solution for colorimetry requiring a tristimulus or color temperature type of sensor, especially when a spectrometer’s capabilities would be excessive or expensive for your application parameters.

Additional characteristics to consider include:

  • Infrared, red, green, and blue spectral sensitivity
  • Form factor and physical size constraints

We offer two types of RGB color sensors with digital output: digital and I2C-compatible color sensors.


Digital color sensors measure red, green, and blue colors simultaneously. Some models are also sensitive to near-infrared wavelengths. They feature a 12-bit digital output and two-step sensitivity switching (low/high) to cover a wide range of light levels. Alternatively, I2C-compatible color sensors measure RGB colors sequentially. Some models are also sensitive to near-infrared wavelengths. They feature an inter-integrated circuit (I2C) interface, 16-bit digital output, and two-step sensitivity switching (low/high) to cover a wide range of light levels.

RGB photodiodes: Accurate, low cost analog color sensors for varied applications

These 3-channel photodiodes are sensitive to red, green, and blue regions of the electromagnetic spectrum and are ideal for applications that require less than a full spectrum of information. They feature a very small package and low unit cost.


When selecting an RGB photodiode, it’s important to consider the following detector characteristics:

  • Spectral sensitivity required for your application
  • Form factor and physical size constraints

Our products provide an analog output for each color, which must be processed by adding external circuits.

Recommended products

RGB digital color sensors

View our collection of RGB digital color sensors for color measurement.

RGB photodiodes

View our collection of RGB photodiodes for color measurement.

Monochrome color detectors

Color sensors designed to detect monochromatic colors of blue (λp=460 nm), green (λp=540 nm), or red (λp=660 nm).

Color sensor modules

Modules consisting of an RGB color sensor and an amplifier mounted on a small circuit board.

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