ORCA-Fusion BT Digital CMOS camera


See what you’ve been missing

The ORCA-Fusion BT camera is the pinnacle of scientific CMOS (sCMOS) performance. The specifications are without compromise: ultra-low readout noise, CCD-like uniformity, fast frame rates and back-thinned enabled high QE. But the beauty of the ORCA-Fusion BT is what this combination of exceptional photon detection and collection can do for you. See the dimmest whisper of signal, acquire visually stunning, high S/N images from the fewest photons, capture previously unresolved temporal events and perform computational methods with confidence. The ORCA-Fusion BT is the camera that makes the difficult experiments easy and previously impossible experiments possible.


ORCA is a registered trademark of Hamamatsu Photonics K.K. (China, EU, Japan, UK, USA).

ORCA-Fusion BT advantages versus other BT CMOS cameras

Exclusive industry leading BT sCMOS performance with trusted Hamamatsu quality and reliability

  • Extremely low readout noise
  • High QE, across a wide range of wavelengths
  • CCD-like uniformity; minimal high readout noise pixels
  • High dynamic range
  • 3 readout speeds
  • Lightsheet readout mode
  • 5.3 Megapixels
  • Both USB 3.0 and high speed CoaXPress interfaces

ORCA-Fusion BT advantages versus EM-CCD cameras

A practical and functional replacement for expensive EM-CCDs with uncompromising sensitivity, speed and versatility

  • Resolution
  • Binning versatility
  • No amplification or excess noise
  • High dynamic range
  • Large field of view


  • Wide-field fluorescence microscopy
  • Time-lapse imaging
  • Spinning disk confocal microscopy
  • Lightsheet microscopy
  • Super resolution precision localization
  • Genetically encoded voltage imaging
  • Optogenetics
  • Single molecule tracking
  • Computational imaging
  • Quantum computing

Time-lapse live cell imaging by low light excitation

Sample: H9c2, Objective lens: Apo TIRF 60XC (NA1.49), ND: 8, Interval: 15 sec


c15440-20up Application example 1

HCS NuclearMask Stains / Exposure 20 ms


c15440-20up Application example 3

MitoTracker / Exposure 500 ms


c15440-20up Application example 2

CellMask Plasma Membrane stains / Exposure 500 ms

Lightsheet Readout Mode [Patented]

“Lightsheet Readout Mode” is a unique and patented feature of Hamamatsu sCMOS cameras which can improve signal to noise ratios in Lightsheet microscopy.
For more information about the principle and features of Lightsheet Readout Mode, please see details from below.


What is Lightsheet Readout Mode?


ORCA-Fusion BT
Authors Title Source
Pratish Thakore, Michael G Alvarado, Sher Ali, Amreen Mughal, Paulo W Pires, Evan Yamasaki, Harry AT Pritchard, Brant E Isakson, Cam Ha T Tran, Scott Earley Brain endothelial cell TRPA1 channels initiate neurovascular coupling eLife 10, e63040 (2021).
Lexy von Diezmann and Ofer Rog Single-Molecule Tracking of Chromatin-Associated Proteins in the C. elegans Gonad J. Phys. Chem. B 2021, 125, 23, 6162–6170
Kei Yamamoto, Haruko Miura, Motohiko Ishida, Yusuke Mii, Noriyuki Kinoshita, Shinji Takada, Naoto Ueno, Satoshi Sawai, Yohei Kondo & Kazuhiro Aoki Optogenetic relaxation of actomyosin contractility uncovers mechanistic roles of cortical tension during cytokinesis Nat Commun 12, 7145 (2021).
Mbaye Diouf, Mitchell Harling, Murat Yessenov, Layton A. Hall, Ayman F. Abouraddy, and Kimani C. Toussaint, Space-time vector light sheets Opt. Express 29, 37225-37233 (2021)
Oliver Klatt, Daniele Repetto, Johannes Brockhaus, Carsten Reissner, Abderazzaq El khallouqi, Astrid Rohlmann, Martin Heine, Markus Missler, Endogenous β-neurexins on axons and within synapses show regulated dynamic behavior Cell Reports, Volume 35, Issue 11, 2021, 109266,
Satoshi Okada, Goro Doi, Shitomi Nakagawa, Emiko Kusumoto, Takashi Ito Simple-to-use CRISPR-SpCas9/SaCas9/AsCas12a vector series for genome editing in Saccharomyces cerevisiae G3 Genes|Genomes|Genetics, Volume 11, Issue 12, December 2021, jkab304

PC recommendation

With the introduction of the ORCA-Fusion BT, users are now able to stream 5 megapixel images to their computers 89 frames per second. The computer recommendations for this high data rate can be met by using the guidelines listed this PC Recommendations for ORCA-Fusion BT.



Our software provides the interface to access all of our carefully engineered camera features, from simply setting exposure to orchestrating complex triggering for multidimensional experiments.


Product number C15440-20UP
Imaging device Scientific CMOS image sensor
Effective number of pixels 2304 (H) × 2304 (V)
Pixel Size 6.5 μm × 6.5 μm
Effective Area 14.976 mm (H) × 14.976 mm (V)
Full well capacity 15 000 electrons *1
Readout speed Fast scan, Full resolution, CoaXPress : 89.1 frames/s
Fast scan, Full resolution, USB 3.0 : 31.6 frames/s(16 bit), 42.2 frames/s(12 bit) , 63.3 frames/s(8 bit)
Standard scan, Full resolution, CoaXPress : 23.2 frames/s
Standard scan, Full resolution, USB 3.0 : 23.2 frames/s
Ultra quiet scan, Full resolution, CoaXPress : 5.42 frames/s
Ultra quiet scan, Full resolution, USB 3.0 : 5.42 frames/s
Readout noise Fast scan : 1.6 electrons rms *1
Standard scan : 1.0 electrons rms *1
Ultra-quiet scan: 0.7 electrons rms *1
Exposure times Fast scan : 17 µs to 10 s
Standard scan : 65 µs to 10 s
Ultra quiet scan : 280 µs to 10 s
Cooling method Peltier cooling
Cooling temperature Forced-air cooled (Ambient temperature: +25 ˚C) : −8 ˚C
Water cooled (Water temperature: +25 ˚C) : −8 ˚C
Water cooled (Max cooling (Ambient temperature: +20 ˚C, water temperature: +20 ˚C)) : Less than −15 ˚C
Dark current 1.0 electrons/pixel/s (cooling temperature: -8 ˚C , Ambient temperature: +25 ˚C)*1*3
1.0 electrons/pixel/s (cooling temperature: -8 ˚C , Water temperature: +25 ˚C)*1*3
0.7 electrons/pixel/s (cooling temperature: Less than −15 ˚C , Ambient temperature: +20 ˚C, water temperature: +20 ˚C)*1*3
Dynamic range 21 400:1 *1*2*4
External trigger mode Edge, Level, Sync readout, Start, Global reset edge, Global reset level, Programmable
External trigger signal routing SMA
External trigger delay function 0 μs to 10 s (1 μs step)
Trigger output Global exposure timing, Trigger ready, Low, High, 3 programmable timing outputs
External signal output routing SMA
Interface CoaXPress (Dual CXP-6) and USB 3.0 Super Speed *5
A/D converter 16 bit, 12 bit, 8 bit
Lens mount C-mount (standard), F-mount (C15440-20UP01)
Power supply AC 100 V to AC 240 V, 50 Hz/60 Hz
Power consumption Approx. 155 VA
Ambient operating temperature 0 °C to +40 °C
Ambient storage temperature -10 ℃ to +50 ℃
Ambient operating humidity 30 % to 80 % (With no condensation)
Ambient storage humidity 90 % or less (With no condensation)

*1 Typical value

*2 Calculated from the ratio of the full well capacity and the RMS read noise

*3 Dark current depends on cooling temperature

*4 In ultra-quiet scan

*5 Equivalent to USB 3.1 Gen 1 (SuperSpeed USB 5 Gbps)

Spectral response

c15440-20up Spectral response


c15440-20up dimensional outline

Instruction manual

Special site

This site provides information on scientific cameras.

Since there is a wide range of camera types and performance, it is important to select the best camera for each application.

It introduces technical information, simulation tools, and examples of actual applications to help you fully understand the performance of the camera and select the best one for your application.

Contact us for more information.

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